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europeans teeth so bad


2020年4月1日 — From my vantage point, however, there is something very wrong with ... teeth down more than his dental patients of European ancestry did.. 2019年6月13日 — Bad teeth were once a sign of wealth, says Scott-Dearing. “The teeth of the very wealthy were typically horrifically bad at a time when access .... 2016年12月22日 — From what I've seen traveling in Europe, their teeth tend to appear thin, brittle, a little bit crooked and (although not necessarily .... I just don't believe that Europeans invest the same amount of care into dental hygiene and straightening as what Americans do. Most don't spend .... The concept of "bad British teeth" is certainly an unkind stereotype, ... testify that: 1) the appalling state of British teeth is shared by ALL Europeans.. 2015年12月16日 — Study finds the English may actually have slightly better dental health. ... And older Brits were more likely to report that poor dental .... 2015年6月2日 — Britons have poor dental health… or so goes the stereotype. Is that old adage as false as a set of dentures? Claudia Hammond investigates.. Orthodontics Through the Ages. During the Middle Ages and for a couple of centuries beyond that, dental hygiene simply wasn't a priority. No one understood the .... When it comes to terrible teeth, how do Brits stack up against Americans? ... the assumption that the British have worse teeth than Americans is well known.. 2015年4月10日 — History of Europe: I want to attack Great Britain. How can I defeat the British army? · Dental Health and Hygiene: What is the best toothpaste?. 2015年5月27日 — Having bad teeth is one of the stock American jokes about British ... And people in the UK are among the most likely in Europe (72%) to .... 2018年7月17日 — Researchers analysing the teeth of Britons from the Iron Age to the ... but a new study has put tartar from our infamously bad teeth to good .... 2014年3月5日 — Do the British really have unusually bad teeth? Are they any worse than American chompers? Here's one statistic: In the past year, .... This is because dental care is heavily subsidised by the National Health Service such that most people can afford to have two check ups and a scale and polish a .... 2018年1月3日 — Reportedly, the dental healthcare in the UK is so bad that they are enlisting help from international organizations. For example, last year .... 2018年12月6日 — Having bad teeth can mean that we do not take proper or regular care of our ... by Europeans, that is why the „gene pool" is very similar.. 3 天前 — Where did the idea of bad British teeth come from? We think the stereotype comes from the fact that the British genuinely did use to have bad .... 2017年7月31日 — This Eastern European country has one of the highest tooth decay rates in the world. The average amount of decayed, missing, or filled teeth for .... Austin Powers' jaundiced grin has not helped Britain's rep for poor dental ... much further in time — and all lead to the idea that Brits have bad teeth. 060951ff0b


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